Re:virus: First Hierarch of the Church of Virus

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 13:24:37 MDT

[Joe Dees]
I would like to see some sort of filter applied, as was done with EEA, so that every time Hermit attempts to again slander a member of a listmember's family, his comments are shunted to a dead letter e-hole, as they so richly deserve. Such defecatory bloviating should not be countenanced; it stains and besmirches this list.

A filter? That might be handy. What does everyone think? Is a filter an acceptable solution?

Personally, I use the BBS to access the list, so I can't use my own e-mail filters. Although I do care for geopolitics, I don't care for being subscribed to a geopolitics list. So, speaking for myself, I would propose a filter to redirect geopolitics (or just the current war issues) to a nice and alive letter e-hole which I might visit from time to time.

I believe others would suggest different filter solutions. Could we write down the ideas and organize a poll complete with arguments supporting the options. I think, you should agree, considering that you are a person of action.

[Joe Dees]
And the same should apply to BBS posts.

The BBS posts are already in e-holes and the proposed geopolitics e-hole could still be accessed through e-mail.

But this is only me. People should speak up if they want any particular change. Last time they didn't want any. Moreover, there is always the issue of practical implementation.

This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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