virus: Know The Enemy (And What He Believes) By David Horowitz

Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 13:58:12 MDT

               Know The Enemy (And What He Believes)
                         By David Horowitz
      | June 25, 2002

THE WAR WE HAVE joined is defined by three simple but
brutal facts. Our enemy is able to penetrate our borders and strike
us in our homes; he can strike us with weapons of mass
destruction; and he has made clear his intention is not to change
our policies or to force our withdrawal, but to obliterate us and
destroy our civilization. Because of these facts, the imperative of
defending ourselves as quickly and effectively as possible is more
important in this war “ by a factor so great as to be impossible to
calculate -- than any we have ever fought.
In all wars the first essential is to know your enemy. Everything
you can do to thwart his objectives or to protect your life and the
lives of your countrymen depends on this knowledge. But if the
war is a war of terror, in which stealth warriors target civilians,
the importance of this knowledge is even greater still “again by a
factor so large as to be impossible to calculate.
Who, then, is the enemy that has struck us and who threatens our
destruction? Officially he has been defined in terms that invoke
"terror" and "evil," that are generic and that really describe the
means by which he has chosen to fight the war, and not why he is
fighting or how we have become his enemy. They do not tell us
who he is. This failure to name our enemy is already a source of
great weakness in erecting our defenses. This ignorance is the
most pressing danger to us, after the threat itself. Already, in
attempting to establish security perimeters at our borders, and in
our airports and harbors, we have denied ourselves the ability to
target the specific groups who have targeted us. The policy that
will not identify the enemy by name is a policy that asks us to
fight in the dark. Yet every terrorist who slips through these nets
is capable of killing tens of thousands of innocent Americans.
Yet, we already know who our enemy is, no matter how many
choose to deny it. Almost a year has passed since the attacks on
Wall Street and the Pentagon -- the twin symbols of American
wealth and power. We have seen the face of the enemy, even if
we are still reluctant to name him.
We are at war with radical Islam (not all of Islam but with Islamic
radicals). And we are “ or should be “ at war with their allies, the
international radical left. Both see us as the embodiment of evil “
racism, oppression, on the one hand, and the frustrations of
Islamic societies on the other. Both, therefore, seek our
The publication of a new al-Qaeda manifesto, translated by the
Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI) makes its agendas
abundantly clear. The statement called, "Why We Fight America,"
and was issued by al-Qaeda spokesman, Suleiman Abu Gheith and
appeared on an al-Qaeda website hosted by Center for Islamic
Research and Studies.
The al-Qaeda statement begins by asking why the world is
surprised by what happened on 9/11 “ pretty much the question
that Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Edward Said, Barbara Kingsolver,
Arundhati Roy and sundry professors at anti-American rallies on
college campuses across the country asked within weeks of the
horrific attack. And the answer is pretty much the same for both
as well:
"What happened to America [on 9/11] is something natural, an
expected event for a country that uses terror, arrogant policy, and
suppression against the nations and the peoples, and imposes a
single method, thought, and way of life, as if the people of the
entire world are clerks in its government offices and employed by
its commercial companies and institutions."
Anyone who was surprised by 9/11, the al-Qaeda statement
continues, does not understand the root causes of the attack and in
particular "the effects of oppression and tyranny on [the victims™]
emotions and feelings." Instead, such people must think, "that
oppression begets surrender, that repression begets silence, that
tyranny leaves only humiliation."
In fact, according to al-Qaeda, humiliation, deprivation and
oppression inspire righteous rage against the oppressor. And this
righteous indignation is what al-Qaeda™s war is about. Of course,
unlike the Western left, al-Qaeda does not wage its war in the
name of an international proletariat and its goal is not a secular
socialist utopia. Al-Qaeda™s war is about the future world reign of
Islam. The al-Qaeda statement asks: How can a Muslim accept
humiliation and inferiority "when he knows that his nation was
created to stand at the center of leadership, at the center of
hegemony and rule, at the center of ability and sacrifice? ¦ When
he knows that the [divine] rule is that the entire earth must be
subject to the religion of Allah “ not to the East, not to the West “
to no ideology and to no path except the path of Allah?¦"
Credulous apostles of appeasement in the West like Ted Turner
and Cherie Blair (wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair) are
so superior in their own minds to the Muslims who hate them that
they don™t consider the possibility that the Islamic faithful could
actually mean what they say. Justifying Arafat™s suicide brigades,
Blair said, "As long as young people feel they have got no hope
but to blow themselves up you are never going to make progress."
This is an inanity heard nightly on cable talk shows from the left.
It is the propaganda line of Machiavellian spokesmen for the
terrorist cause like PLO spokesman Abudl Rachman and
westernized apologists like Hussein Ibish who equate the
terrorists™ terror with the victims™ response. But it ignores what
the combatants say about themselves and their inspiration, and
patronizes them in the process.
The Middle East Research Institute has also translated an
interview given to the Arab press by a mother of a suicide
bomber, who has nothing to say about root causes like poverty, or
thwarted national desires or "social injustice." (Indeed when the
al-Qaeda spokesman speaks of his "nation" he clearly means the
entire world of Islam, and not any particular state whether
Afghanistan or Palestine or Saudia Arabia or Iraq.) What she says
is this:
    I am a compassionate mother to my children,¦ Because I
    love my son, I encouraged him to die a martyr™s death for
    the sake of Allah... Jihad is a religious obligation
    incumbent upon us, and we must carry it out. I sacrificed
    Muhammad as part of my obligation. This is an easy thing.
    There is no disagreement [among scholars] on such
    matters. The happiness in this world is an incomplete
    happiness; eternal happiness is life in the world to come,
    through martyrdom. Allah be praised, my son has attained
    this happiness... I prayed from the depths of my heart that
    Allah would cause the success of his operation. I asked
    Allah to give me 10 [Israelis] for Muhammad, and Allah
    granted my request and Muhammad made his dream come
    true, killing 10 Israeli settlers and soldiers. Our God
    honored him even more, in that there were many Israelis
    wounded. When the operation was over, the media
    broadcast the news. Then Muhammad's brother came to
    me and informed me of his martyrdom. I began to cry,
    ˜Allah is the greatest,™ and prayed and thanked Allah for
    the success of the operation. I began to utter cries of joy
    and we declared that we were happy. The young people
    began to fire into the air out of joy over the success of the
    operation, as this is what we had hoped for him.
The will to genocide is not specific to the martyrs who blow up
little children, but is shared by the community of radical Islam. It
comes not from despair, but from a hope of heaven “ from
extending the territory of Islam and doing Allah™s will. Nothing
could be more obvious to anyone paying attention. That is, to
anyone paying attention without the screen of liberal arrogance,
which denies what it has seen in order to explain it. And thereby
understand it. And thereby surrender to it.
The hope for heaven “ or for the global reign of Islam as the path
to heaven -- is generically the same fanatical inspiration that
caused believers in socialism (a heaven on earth) to kill tens of
millions of innocent unbelievers during the 20th Century. It is the
same faith that causes progressive fellow travelers like Ted
Turner, Barbara Kingsolver and Edward Said to support the
agendas of America™s enemies. And of perverse America-haters,
like Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky to support any anti-American
The present war against us may be about humiliation and a sense
of inferiority stemming from Islam™s centuries of eclipse, but it is
not about despair. The new statement from al-Qaeda is not
addressed to people who have nothing. Quite the opposite It is an
incitement to people who have something -- and who might be
reluctant to give up what they have -- to sacrifice life itself for the
glory of Islam: "As long as the Muslim knows and believes ¦ he
will not “ even for a single moment -- stop trying to achieve [the
universal triumph of Islam], even if it costs him his soul¦his
time, his property and his son, ..."
This is not a war about land in the Middle East or the structure of
a Palestinian state, or a U.S. military presence in the Arabian
peninsula. It is a war about redemption. In this it exactly parallels
the Communist threat from the past. In the eyes of the
Communists, America stood in the way of heaven “ a socialist
paradise in which racism, sexism, and economic inequality would
vanish from the earth. In the eyes of radical Islam, America -- the
Great Satan -- stands in the way of Islam™s rule, and thus of
human redemption and it is for this reason America must be
Thus, the al-Qaeda proclamation: "America is the head of heresy
in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime
that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling
the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the
way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels
the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the
same ways ¦ and punishes any country [that rebels against these
laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing
[America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not
Americans wake up! Your enemies hate you for who you are.
They hate you because you are democratic, and tolerant and
unbelieving. They hate you because you are Christians:
"America™s standing with the Christians of the world against the
Muslims has stripped the camouflague from its face." And they
hate you because are Hindus and Buddhists and secularists and
This war is not a war we are facing. It is a war we are in.
Americans have hardly begun to understand this, but the enemy is
already keeping score: "We have not reached parity [with
America™s alleged attacks on Muslims. [Therefore], we have the
right to kill 4 million Americans “ 2 million of them children “
and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of
thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical
and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal
maladies that have afflicted Muslims because of the [Americans™]
chemical and biological weapons."
Americans have also only begun to understand that if radical
Islam is one face of our enemy, the other is the radical left. For
two hundred years the radical left has believed in a religion
promising a heaven on earth whose end justifies any means. That
is why progressives like Lenin and Stalin and Pol Pot killed so
many innocent people. That is why radical leftists in America and
other European countries have joined in denouncing America™s
war of self-defense and in abetting the Arab crusade to obliterate
Israel and (in the process) exterminate the Jews of the Middle
How serious are some American leftists about abetting the war to
destroy their own country? Attorney Lynne Stewart is a veteran of
the radical left going back to the 1960s and is the lawyer for the
"blind sheik" who led the first terrorist attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993. Six people were killed in the attack and 1,000
injured. Stewart is associated with the Center for Constitutional
Rights and has been a supporter of Communist causes and Arab
terrorists for her entire professional life. Recently, the Attorney
General indicted Stewart for helping the "blind sheik," who is now
in prison, to communicate with his terrorist followers in the
Middle East and further their bloody agendas.
A chorus from the left has attacked Attorney General Ashcroft for
infringing on the civil liberties of the imprisoned terrorist and his
"lawyer." Stewart has been defended as a persecuted civil
libertarian by the left-wing National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU,
The Nation and other institutions of the "progressive" left.
In 1995, Lynne Stewart was interviewed by the New York Times,
which reported her radical beliefs. ""Ms. Stewart suggested that
violence and revolution were sometimes necessary to right the
economic and racial wrongs of America™s capitalist system."
Among other things, Lynne Stewart said this: "I don™t believe in
anarchistic violence, but in directed violence. That would be
violence directed at the institutions which perpetuate capitalism,
racism, and sexism, and the people who are the appointed
guardians of those institutions, and accompanied by popular
The World Trade Center is an institution which perpetuates
capitalism and -- in the eyes of the left -- racism and sexism as
well. According to every leftist “ from the Nation magazine to the
Chomsky fifth column (the distance is not great) --, America is a
land of capitalism, racism and sexism, and the enforcer of
capitalism, racism and sexism globally. This is the world that the
Islamicists call Dar Al-Harb: The world of darkness. The world
that is not socialist (for the leftist believers) and that is not Islam
(for the faithful). According to Lynne Stewart and the al-Qaeda
spokesman, the people who dwell in Dar Al-Harb and support its
profane agendas deserve to die. This is what the present "war on
terror" is about. Americans better understand it sooner than later.

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