Re:On Limbic's attempt to feign ignorance (was:Re: virus: On war)

From: Casey (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 12:53:38 MDT

[Jake] Nice try. No wait, a very lame try actually. Hmmmm, gee whiz, I don't know of any other country that the US administration is considering attacking. Let's see, we already did Afganistan, so we must not be talking about that. If you can't keep up with the current conversations, perhaps you should consider just listening.

Let's bring out Shrub's to do list:

1. Kick Saddam Insane outta Iraq
2. Kick those wacky Ayatollahs outta Iran
3. Kick Kim Jong Dong, or whatever his name is, outta North Korea.
4. Stop those evil people in Palestine
5. Starve Comrade Fidel in Cuba
6. Go to church every Sunday
7. Play golf with Dad and Uncle Dick
8. Play in backyard of ranch
9. Build broad based coalition--maybe?
10. Party like it's 1999!


This message was posted by Casey to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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