virus: King of the Mountain

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 18:03:26 MDT

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest
or consent."
Statement by
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member
James Warburg
to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
on February 17th, l950
Starting to see any long term patterns here?
Who gets to be king of the mountain after global war has made most of
the surface of the earth an unlivable nuclear waste land?
I wonder how the skiing is in nuclear winter.
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time
Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty
years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during
those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared
to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an
intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the
national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller,
( founder of the Trilateral Commission),
in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission,
in June, 1991.
"If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand
up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and
democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long
dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long."
President George Bush (January 1991)
"The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to
fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations
are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations
of mankind."
George Herbert Walker Bush
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be
grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an
outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion],
whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis by original compiler], that
threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world
will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears
is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights
will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being
granted to them by the World Government."
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
"He [John Foster Dulles] stated directly to me that he had every reason
to believe that the Governor [Thomas E. Dewey of New York] accepts his
point of view and that he is personally convinced that this is the
policy that he would promote with great vigor if elected. So it is fair
to say that on the first round the Sphinx of Albany has established
himself as a prima facie champion of a strong and definite new world
Excerpt from article by Ralph W. Page
in The Philadelphia Bulletin (May 1944)
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in
blood as well as in words and money."
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)
I curious but when people say pay in blood aren't they usually referring
to war of some sort. Kind like a war started in Iraq.
"Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles tonight called for the early
creation of an international organization of anti-Axis nations to
control the world during the period between the armistice at the end of
the present war and the setting up of a new world order on a permanent
Text of article in The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 1942)
"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states
will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't
such a great idea after all."
Strobe Talbot,
President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State,
as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.
"... it's Bush's baby, even if he shares its popularization with
Gorbachev. Forget the Hitler 'new order' root; F.D.R. used the phrase
William Safire,
in The New York Times (February 1991)
"The new world order that is in the making must focus on the creation of
a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all."
Nelson Mandela,
in The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 1994)
The renewal of the nonproliferation treaty was described as important
"for the welfare of the whole world and the new world order."
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt,
in The New York Times (April 1995)
"The case for government by elites is irrefutable"
Senator William Fulbright,
Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
stated at a 1963 symposium entitled:
The Elite and the Electorate - Is Government by the People Possible?
"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this
mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local
nation states of the world."
Professor Arnold Toynbee,
in a June l931 speech before
the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial
element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the
days of Andrew Jackson."
A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21st, l933
"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas
that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he
didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were
carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign
Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a
fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the
middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off
and returned his internationalist political support. "The UN is but a
long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial
and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World
revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. "The depression was the
calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered
by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York
money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close
bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery
of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve
Curtis Dall,
FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book,
My Exploited Father-in-Law
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from
behind the scenes."
Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for
multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by
seizing control of the political government of the United States. The
Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize
control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary,
intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends
is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political
governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of
the system ,they will rule the future."
U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater
in his l964 book: With No Apologies.
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim,
nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and
the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in
a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert,
by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and
conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International
Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled
by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations.
The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of
world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of
financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."
Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time
(Macmillan Company, 1966,)
Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University,
(highly esteemed by his former student,
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.)
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like
a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation.
Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created
screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil
interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally
referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful
international bankers virtually run the United States government for
their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political
New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent,
all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am
convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old
in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976,
(killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)
"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and
powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men
high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most
influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of
them to control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it
was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
"An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be
paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to
properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of
preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of
national and international nature considered vital to the interests of
the purchasers."
U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917
"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in
common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and
the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national
boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase
business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably
lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was
founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of
U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful
one-world government."
Harpers, July l958

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