virus: Fwd: Re: US Military strongarming-- George Bush: Super chimp or little Hitler

From: Mark Collins (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 15:05:49 MDT

This was sent off-list. It's idiotic, so I thought I'd share it with the

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Subject: Re: US Military strongarming-- George Bush: Super chimp or little
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 06:36:08 -1000
To: Mark Collins <>

>And what do you think the Al Queda is attacking the US for?

The last time I checked it was members of the U.S. Government who planned and
implemented the attacks on the WTC in 1993 and in 2001 and also the Oklohoma
City Gov. building in 1995.

>The US has become very similar to Nazi Germany. You have a government which
>doesn't trust its own citizens, the very people it is there to protect,
> rages
>conventional and econimic war on any state it doesn't trust, and pushes its
>own agendas instead of listening to the people, both domestic and foreign.
>In summary, the US doesn't care about anyone but it's own citizens, and will
>do anything to protect them, even if it means becoming the village thug to



Doesn't seem like they care about their own citizens if they blow up
 buildings full of said citizens including women and small children while at
 the same time giving warning to their agents who worked in these buildings.


Mark 'Nurgle' Collins
Stupid IRC quote of the <variable time period>:
<phoenix> insider, you'll have to excuse nurgle, he's the epitamy of evil

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