virus: A Theme Park of Biblical Proportions

From: Jonathan Davis (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 10:35:27 MDT


"A Theme Park of Biblical Proportions

In 1992 Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed over 320 hectares of real
estate in western Moscow for the construction of a Russian version of
Disneyland. Ten years later it still hasn't been built. But that's a good
thing, say a group of Russian businessmen, who think Disney is not the right
thing for Moscow. They say the city is a 'spiritual center' and that's why
they intend to use the site to build 'Bible Land,' an ecumenical theme park
recreating many of the main sites of the Holy Land.

Costing an estimated US$60m, the park will include a Solomon-era Jewish
town, a Roman fortress and a replica of the Church of the Nativity. Visitors
will be able to watch the temple adulteresses dance in Canaan, dine in a
restaurant where they will be offered a menu from the Last Supper and then
take a stroll around one of the ponds representing the Red Sea, the Dead Sea
and the Mediterranean. Although Christian monuments will make up the
majority of attractions, other faiths will be represented, according to the
project designers, who hope that when Bible Land opens in 2005 it will
contribute towards a better world. "



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