virus: Onandonagain (employ mail filters now if desired)

From: ben (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 20:27:09 MDT

ben your opinion doesn't count. Not only are you an outsider posing as an
X-American but you've proven yourself to be a cynical highly-opinionated
anti-America beast of burden who's full of bullshit. Why are you even here
if you are so hypocritical? That's a rhetorical question.

You mis-spelled 'retarded'. On the off chance that you really did mean
"rhetorical"; too bad, I'll answer anyways. I'm not 'here' (in America) you
inbred slab of semi-sentient lard, I currently reside in another country, as
previously stated in perfectly clear language even an American 3rd grader
could understand. I am not 'posing' as an ex-American, I am an American
expatriate (look it up) and still retain my American citizenship along with
all of its dubious privileges. I will also not be cowed into feigning assent
of what I see as systematically murderous practises and the brainwashing of
entire generations by mindless automaton zealots the likes of mere you.

However, even ignorance as vast as yours eventually wears out its humor
value. You have failed to present an intelligent sentence let alone
argument, you have failed to back up any of your ludicrous assertions, you
have presented outright lies as fact without even an attempt to defend
yourself when called on it, and you generally have been a piss-poor example
of a human intellect. Unless you succeed in saying something even more
spectacularly defective than what you have so far shat into this list, I'm
done playing with you.

Enjoy the comfort of your blinders, and I hope the Secret Service you will
inevitably vote in favor of gang-sodomizes you with a flagpole when they
kick in your door.


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